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April 2002 | March 2002 | November 2001

Art Alexakis - "Good Witch of the North" (Kilborn)

    In preparation for his spring solo acoustic tour, Art appeared on several nationally-broadcast programs. One of them was the Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, on which he performed the song "Good Witch of the North". The show was taped Tuesday, March 19, 2002. ("Good Witch of the North" appears in studio form on Good Time for a Bad Attitude.)

    Art Alexakis - "Good Witch of the North" (Kilborn) [3,755 KB]

Chris Isaak with Art Alexakis - "Somebody to Love (Live)"

    Art appeared on a recent episode of The Chris Isaak Show. Towards the beginning of the show, Art played along with Chris and his band on a song called "Somebody to Love". While the show only aired part of the performance, this clip is the complete song.

    This file is sourced from the Windows Media Player file available here, but has been mastered for better sound quality. (Plus, this will get you around the original's copy protection that limits you to one month of listening.)


    Chris Isaak with Art Alexakis - "Somebody to Love (Live)" [2,372 KB]

NOTE - Auctioning these songs on CD-R's will result in a whole host of negative feedback. You've been warned. Thanks!